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My schedule/help

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My schedule/help
Message from priyanka87 posted on 19-04-2019 at 18:34:52 (D | E | F)
Could you proofread my sentences please?
Thanks for any reply.

simple present tense ...
my daily routine is quite simple . I wake at 6.00 am and help my mother in kitchen to prepare my breakfast nd tiffin for lunch . Then i take bathe and get ready for school . At 7.50 I go to my school where I am working as a primary teacher . I take 4 periods before recess and 3 after recess. After school i go to my sister's school which is nearby to my my school to pick her as she does not know driving . Its a great feeling to back to home after a huge tiring day . Then i sleep for 2 hours and wake up at 5 pm to prepare tea for all . In evening i go to lake with my friend for a walk and sleeps at 10.00 pm .

Edited by lucile83 on 19-04-2019 21:36

Re: My schedule/help from gerondif, posted on 19-04-2019 at 18:47:08 (D | E)
Hello (I am a former teacher, so hello can be used !)
mistakes in blue.
Your schedule :

my (capital letter) daily routine is quite simple . I wake (up) at 6.00 am and help my mother in the kitchen to prepare my breakfast nd tiffin for lunch . Then i(I will always be written as a capital letter) take bathe(bathe is a verb, but you have a bath, bath is a noun) and get ready for school . At 7.50 I go to my school where I am working (where I work is better as it is your regular job) as a primary(-school) teacher . I take (I teach) 4 periods before recess and 3 after recess. After school i go to my sister's school which is nearby to my my school (either "which is nearby", or "which is near my school")to pick her up as she does not know driving ("she can't drive" is the usual expression. "She hasn't got her driving licence" is more technical). Its (its is a possessive adjective for animals or objects. it is becomes it's) a great feeling to back to home (if you use go, then "it is a great feeling to go back home", no to before home, if you use to be, then "it is a great feeling to be back at home", normally, but you can also hear "to be back home") after a huge tiring day . Then i sleep for 2 hours and wake up at 5 pm to prepare tea for all the family / all my friends/ for everybody . In the evening i go to the lake with my friend for a walk and sleeps(no s as the subject is I)(you don't sleep at 10, you go to bed at ten) at 10.00 pm.

You taught me the word "tiffin" that I had never seen !

Re: My schedule/help from priyanka87, posted on 19-04-2019 at 19:05:51 (D | E)
amazing site ....
Actually I do not have idea how to run this site means how to post or how to get help .....thanks to the person who replied on my post 👍🙏

Edited by lucile83 on 19-04-2019 21:38

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