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Message from fatiati51 posted on 29-12-2020 at 21:27:27 (D | E | F)
Please, could you help me to correct this text?
Thank you.
The optimism
Optimism is a polysemous concept, often confused with hope and positivity. It is defined as the confidence in the future, belief in a better future. It’s a feeling that arouses within the person the conviction that everything going well despite the physical or moral harm.
Contrary to the pessimist who always sees the glasse half empty, who sees only the black spot on a white expanse, the optimist sees things differently, he interested in the positive side of life and neglected the black dots, he takes account only of happy events.

Re: Optimism/help from gerondif, posted on 30-12-2020 at 00:31:41 (D | E)
Don't forget the basics : no "the" when you speak in general, and the use of auxiliary verbs.

Mistakes in blue.
The optimism
Optimism is a polysemous concept, often confused with hope and positivity. It is defined as the(to be crossed out) confidence in the future, belief in a better future. It’s a feeling that arouses within the person the conviction that everything is going well despite the physical or moral harm.
Contrary to the pessimist who always sees the glasse(glass) half empty, who sees only the black spot on a white expanse, the optimist sees things differently, he is interested in the positive side of life and neglected (present tense)the black dots, he takes account only (to be placed before takes) of happy events.

Re: Optimism/help from fatiati51, posted on 30-12-2020 at 18:24:04 (D | E)
Thank you gerondif for your help, here is the correction.

Optimism is a polysemous concept, often confused with hope and positivity. It is defined as confidence in the future, belief in a better future. It’s a feeling that arouses within the person the conviction that everything is going well despite physical or moral harm.
Contrary to the pessimist who always sees the glass half empty, who sees only the black spot on a white expanse, the optimist sees things differently, he is interested in the positive side of life and neglect the black dots, he only takes account of happy events.

Re: Optimism/help from gerondif, posted on 30-12-2020 at 18:27:11 (D | E)
Put an s to he neglects !

Re: Optimism/help from fatiati51, posted on 31-12-2020 at 11:02:23 (D | E)
Thank you very much gerondif.

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Forum > English only

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