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Aide/VIE Portugal

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Aide/VIE Portugal
Message de rockymoult posté le 02-09-2021 à 14:50:05 (S | E | F)
je suis actuellement à la recherche d'un VIE sur 1 an à Porto.
J'ai une opportunité à laquelle je vais postuler et j'ai réalisé ma LM en anglais.
Je fais des erreurs de grammaire, pouvez-vous me dire ce qu'il y a à corriger dans ma lettre svp s'il vous plait?
La voici :

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of logistics digitalization coordinator. Please find enclosed my resume for your consideration. I graduated in August 2020 from IAE Caen (France) with a master's degree in production management, logistics and purchasing. This three years education was done on a work-study basis. I have four years of experience in industrial environment, including one after having graduated.

In the last four years, the different positions I have held allowed me to develop various skills that I can put to good use for the proposed position. I participated and led lot of different missions such as the implementation of a visual management in a warehouse, internal flow digitalization, new storage building implantation or the etablishment of a finishing line for electric trucks. The diversity of all these missions gives me a global vision of logistics issues, and more generally those of supply chain management. Working for Faurecia, technological leader in the automotive industry, would be an opportunity for me to bring all my skills for the benefit of innovation, in a constantly evolving and dynamic environment. In addition, my computer science diploma allows me to be comfortable with digitals tools.

Eager to have an experience abroad in an industrial sector in which I have a lot of interest, I hope to have the opportunity to meet you and be able to find out more about your company and your vision. I would be delighted to be considered for the position. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-09-2021 17:44

Réponse : Aide/VIE Portugal de gerondif, postée le 02-09-2021 à 16:59:50 (S | E)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of logistics digitalization coordinator. Please find enclosed my resume for your consideration. I graduated in August 2020 from IAE Caen (France) with a master's degree in production management, logistics and purchasing. This three-year education program/training-program was done on a work-study basis. I have four years of experience in industrial environment, including one after having graduated.

In the last four years, the different positions I have held allowed me to develop various skills that I can put to good use for the proposed position. I participated and led lots of different missions such as the implementation of a visual management in a warehouse, internal flow digitalization, new storage building implantation or etablishment of a finishing line for electric trucks. The diversity of all these missions gives me a global vision of logistics issues, and more generally those of supply chain management. Working for Faurecia, technological leader in the automotive industry, would be an opportunity for me to bring all my skills for the benefit of innovation, in a constantly evolving and dynamic environment. In addition, my computer science diploma allows me to be comfortable with digitals tools.

Eager to have an experience abroad in an industrial sector in which I have a lot of interest, I hope to have the opportunity to meet you and be able to find out more about your company and your vision. I would be delighted to be considered for the position. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.

C'est bien écrit et ça donne envie de vous embaucher ! Good luck !


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