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Utilisation /sound

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Utilisation /sound
Message de shadowsasgard posté le 11-05-2023 à 00:50:16 (S | E | F)
j'ai une question concernant l'utilisation de sound en anglais; en effet je voudrais savoir si on dit :

"$4.5 billion sound like a lot of money.''
Ou :
''$4.5 billion sounds like a lot of money.''

Et pourrez-vous m'expliquer la règle en fonction de la bonne réponse s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.

Bonne journée à vous,

Réponse : Utilisation /sound de jonquille, postée le 12-05-2023 à 16:41:35 (S | E)

$4.5 billion sound like a lot of money. (Non)
Ou :
$4.5 billion sounds like a lot of money. (Oui)

Expressions of money, time, and distance usually take a singular verb:

> 4.5 billion dollars IS a lot of money.
> Two weeks IS not long enough for my vacation!
> Twenty kilometers IS too far to walk.

Voici un lien (en anglais !) qui peut vous aider.
Lien internet


Réponse : Utilisation /sound de sherry48, postée le 12-05-2023 à 16:59:19 (S | E)
Notice that it is billion, not billions. Billion can be a noun or an adjective; billions would be a noun, and adjectives cannot be plural-they do not agree in number.

Sound(s) is the verb in your example: "$4.5 billion sound like a lot of money. ''Ou :''$4.5 billion sounds like a lot of money.''

The correct form is more obvious when you make a pronoun substitution, it...It sounds like a lot of money, but not they...They sound like a lot of money. You need a third person singular verb to refer the total amount of money.

A billion people are watching the news program. Billion is an adjective describing people (plural). The verb must agree with people.
With billions, the verb matches the plural subject...Billions are watching the news program. They are watching the news program.

I hope this helps.

Réponse : Utilisation /sound de traviskidd, postée le 13-05-2023 à 20:31:57 (S | E)
when you say "four point five billion dollars", you are measuring a "mass" of money; you are not really counting dollars.
Therefore, you should use a singular verb (i.e. with -s).

This goes for anything that is mostly a measurement, for example:
-"Five tablespoons of sugar is too much for one cake!"
-"Two gallons of milk is too much to drink in one sitting."
-"40 degrees is too hot(Celsius)/cold(Fahrenheit) to play outside."

See you.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais

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