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Slang /meaning

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Slang /meaning
Message from selinkal posted on 22-03-2024 at 12:33:25 (D | E | F)
Hey guys!!

can you help me please?
I am wondering what is 'Delulu solulu trululu?' Are they even a word? I am so confused.
People telling me this so much. Are they good something?

Re: Slang /meaning from gerondif, posted on 22-03-2024 at 17:54:41 (D | E)
I learn new "English" everyday ! Thanks !

Re: Slang /meaning from jonquille, posted on 23-03-2024 at 04:25:30 (D | E)
Me, too!

Re: Slang /meaning from jessicamendoza, posted on 25-03-2024 at 13:03:05 (D | E)
Hey Selin!! It is a internet slang. Delulu is actually 'Delusion', solulu means 'Solution' and trululu means 'true'. So when someone says “Being delulu is the solulu”, they mean being unrealistic or overly idealistic about anything that is happening in your life is the solution. Have a good day

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Forum > English only

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