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Grammar,the inverted order,novel

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Grammar,the inverted order,novel
Message from beifun posted on 24-10-2010 at 18:29:22 (D | E | F)

quote from a book:

A traveller from an unknown southland who had dared to cross the sea and the high mountain passes had found his way to the wild people of the European continent. He came from Africa. His home was in Egypt.


Focus on the red and blue part,in which there'd be a mistake.
The basic structure of the coloured sentence may be as following:

1.A traveller dare to cross the sea and passes the mountain.
--->>Traveller have two action,"cross" plus "pass"

2.A traveller dare to cross the sea,and the mountain passes.
--->>traveller got only one action "cross",and mountain owns an action"pass".
That's to say,the moutain can move by itself(fairy tale?).
because it write "passes",not "passed".

Frankly speaking,I extremely inclined to choose the NO.1 opinion.

But,why the verb "passes" place after "mountain"?
Is it "the inverted order" in English grammar?

I mean "invert the subject and predicate".In the inverted order,we commomly put the predicate before its subject,right?Now the reverse happen.


Edited by beifun on 24-10-2010 18:33

Re: Grammar,the inverted order,novel from notrepere, posted on 24-10-2010 at 18:53:19 (D | E)

"passes" is a noun not a verb. Lien Internet

The two verbs of the sentence are "had dared to cross" and "had found".

Time to re-evaluate.

Have a nice day

Edited by notrepere on 24-10-2010 18:58
Hi Pink, I see we replied at the same time. When is the next exercise? I am ready.

Edited by lucile83 on 24-10-2010 22:20
Hey np ! may I have a rest please?

Edited by notrepere on 25-10-2010 02:34
No rest for the retired.

Re: Grammar,the inverted order,novel from lucile83, posted on 24-10-2010 at 18:54:07 (D | E)

It is much easier; here the word 'pass'( plural passes) is a noun and refers to the mountains.
'high mountain passes' is a compound word.

5 road/path
a high road or path that goes between mountains to the other side:
a narrow, winding mountain pass

Lien Internet


Edited by lucile83 on 24-10-2010 18:56
Hi np! how are you?

Re: Grammar,the inverted order,novel from ariette, posted on 24-10-2010 at 18:59:46 (D | E)

are you sure 'passes' is a verb here ?

Re: Grammar,the inverted order,novel from dolfine56, posted on 24-10-2010 at 19:14:56 (D | E)
Hi, Ariette,
they said "passes" is a noun, not a verb.!
see you.

Re: Grammar,the inverted order,novel from ariette, posted on 25-10-2010 at 14:16:37 (D | E)

my post was meant to Beifun

no offence!

Re: Grammar,the inverted order,novel from may, posted on 26-10-2010 at 02:36:23 (D | E)
Hello beifun,

Yours ==> A traveller dares to cross the sea and passes the mountain.
--->>Traveller has two actions,"cross" plus "pass"

Your question has been clearly answered, I just add a few points:

The problem is you concentrate on the subordinate clause which is:

A traveller had dared to cross the sea and the high mountain passes
, whereas the important part is the main clause itself which contains another action had found his way.

That's why you misunderstood the noun "passes" in the sentence.

So, the phrase is supposed to be highlighted as followed:

A traveller from an unknown southland who had dared to cross
the sea and the high mountain passes had found his way to the wild people of the European continent.

Don't worry, we all learn from mistake

Good night,

Edited by lucile83 on 26-10-2010 06:43

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